Shroud pubg settings 2019
Shroud pubg settings 2019

shroud pubg settings 2019
  1. Shroud pubg settings 2019 how to#
  2. Shroud pubg settings 2019 full#
  3. Shroud pubg settings 2019 pro#
  4. Shroud pubg settings 2019 professional#

The max is 103 in PUBG, and generally the top players we looked at have it set between 90 and the 103 cap. The wider it is, the more you can see on-screen. It's also one of the most impactful settings for affecting the FPS of your game, so if you're seriously struggling, consider tweaking the resolution as your last resort.Ĭamera FOV - More of an issue for FPP (first person perspective) games, the FOV is your field of vision. The higher you set this the lower your game's performance will be, and of course the lower it is the better the performance.

Shroud pubg settings 2019 full#

Fullscreen (Windowed) is generally the default and allows you to tab out easily enough, especially if you're using a second screen beside it.ĭisplay Resolution - You should always be aiming for 1920 x 1080 here, as that's the standard for full HD. Window Mode - this just dictates how the game window appears on your screen itself. Image taken from a clip of a recent Viss stream on Twitch.

Shroud pubg settings 2019 pro#

Anyway, let's dive in! TSM's pro PUBG player and streamer Viss prefers Ultra textures, as do we - but some top players stick closer to Medium. It's worth noting that options and graphics settings really aren't an exact science - your computer and its components are going to dictate how PUBG performs at different settings, and likewise your personal preferences are going to be the most important factor when it comes to the more relative aspects like Brightness and Field of View, in particular. Below, we'll run through what each of the options does in PUBG, as well as our reasoning for why we set them to the specific settings above for the competitive edge, too. Some have a really minor, essentially non-existent impact on frame rates for instance, whilst some can effectively slice it in half just by you tweaking things in a few options.

Shroud pubg settings 2019 how to#

PUBG graphics settings explained - how to increase FPS by changing your settingsĭifferent options and settings have a different impact on your game's performance. The best PUBG settings for visibility and a competitive edge Note that to get the details below, we gathered together info on players like TSM's Viss, along with the well-known Dr Disrespect, Shroud, and more, and combined with our own experience and experimentation.

Shroud pubg settings 2019 professional#

In the next section we'll explain our logic behind the recommendations in more detail, but for now here's a look at the general settings preferred by professional players and streamers. Recuding foliage, for instance, can grant you some extra line of sight on the lush Erangel map for instance, whilst lowering visual effects reduces the visual impact of things like smoke and explosions. Generally, if performance isn't an issue, top players will tweak their graphics options in PUBG to gant increased visibility of their opponunts.

shroud pubg settings 2019

It's important to know why the pros' settings are what they are if you want to get the most out of them, because for one those pros' personal preferences for settings will change over time, and likewise so will their effects in-game as Bluehole continues to prod and poke at the code. Much of the conversation about finding the best PUBG graphics settings have revolved around what settings the professional players and top streamers use.Ĭopying your favourite pro is certainly a way to do it - but that misses a large part of the question out. Watch on YouTube The best PUBG graphics settings for visibility and a competitive edge

Shroud pubg settings 2019